Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I want to...

I want to never become the overbearing wife who expects too much from her husband. I want to be grateful whether we live in a birdhouse on a street with an eyesore of a building staring back at me. At neighbors who remind me of people I used to go to school with. (There were gang bangers in my school who I knew and avoided but never minded helping.)

I want to be the wife who will be remembered for her deeds and missed when she is not around (maybe at my mom's or in a foreign country).

I want my husband to feel lucky that he married me because that is exactly how I feel whenever he's around and we're making jokes that no one else gets.


hypermom said...

Hey! Being conscious of what you want is a good start. :)

Dina said...

following from mbc!

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