Monday, January 31, 2011

activity tree

With the nation's obesity rate rising daily the need for kids to get up and be active is an important tool against fighting obesity.  When you sign up, there are two categories to choose from: if you want to search for activities for the kids or if you want to provide activities for the kids. I chose search.

Afterwards, you put in all the information about your kids and they match up activities by price and distance. is committed to fighting childhood obesity and promoting kid’s active bodies and minds by providing the nation’s largest online parent resource for kid’s lessons, classes and camps. is the nation’s largest online parent resource for kid’s lessons, classes and camps. Parents can search nearly 80 activity types by zip code to find activity providers in their area. It features contact information, web site links, interactive maps and activity descriptions for over 18,000 providers.

Our Get Kids Active! Facebook Campaign helps parents get their kids active through social networking. Fans of ActivityTree can find and share activity ideas on our wall, pass the “Get Kids Active!” sticky note to their friends, and take fun and informative activity-related polls. is making kids activities and camps more affordable by offering “Get Kids Active!” Scholarships. There are two ways to enter to win a scholarship:

1) Kids Scholarships Page

2) ActivityTree Facebook Page


pilgrimchick said...

I'm glad to hear that there are more avenues through which people can encourage kids to be more active. It will certainly help them out later in life.

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